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Hi everyone,

Today we came here with the one solution for your problem where may people find that after creating and design a blog it comes for the earnings such that now we will talking about the platform that can enable a person to get money via blogging.

Bloggers creating blogs designing in different types and later come to know that there is a way to use blog in make money through platform that are placed their traffics, advertisement and other types of that products online where a person who owned a blog will be receive a payment by making them advertise on their blog.

As for a blog platform that worked together with Google if ones want to monetize most of them use Google AdSense to monetize with a BlogSpot but for there is problem which faced the one that try to monetize with blog.

For the first the problem was come to the having Google AdSense account but second comes in how to make a blog eligible or to be approved with Google AdSense.

The following will be all requirement, steps and process involve make blog eligible for Google AdSense.





These are parts or sections step by step that will made your blog to be approval for Google AdSense.

Ø Have a Google AdSense Account.

Ø Apply AdSense in your Blog.

Ø AdSense Approval.



For the needed to have authority and full control of monetization in the blog a person need to have Google AdSense account in order to do all activities concern about blog with online money.

This account will able to make the blogger user to get access that can made him or her to get their blog approval and go on with monetization through this platform.

Unlike in other platform include social media, mails (Google-Mail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.) bet lines and any others if someone need to do anything concern about that categories first he or she must be known such that account for the entire site must be signed up for ongoing.

Here for the problem comes when a person submit all the required field for the account but recently there is requirement that made an email to be sent activation link.

This are some important requirement that an email will be confirmed and sent the activation link for the blogger or such activity like that type.


ü You need to be an 18 years old.


In this point everyone must understand me very well, when I am saying you need to be at least 18 years old means that your mature teenager to do such business where Google do not need your certificate of birth anymore while all they do is what you write on your Google Account.

So for this many people do not write their age in their Google mail Account all they write is the date email is created or maybe real age that is not 18. Make sure any of your information in G-Mail is in over 18 years old.

For this first requirement I think all bloggers are understand me very well now let’s move forward in the other criteria where we can get to know much about others.






ü Have the Google Mail account that is not linked any related Google AdSense account.

In order to be specific you must have the Google mail account that is clear and must not be linked to any of the Google AdSense account such that there will be any confussion about the account.

This will able to make your work clearly review by Google AdSense without any confusion because when the account is either linked to any of the Google AdSense account your account might have problem in the reports and other area.

All you need to do also is to make sure Google Mail Account that is used because it will deal with the online payment its details like password and other privacy must be known for specific people that are safe and the account also is advised to be clear with online hacker hijackers so that all information concern the main account will be safe.


ü You need to have a blog that is available online and meets with all Google AdSense site policies.

For this is the place where many people are get to be stuck where Google AdSense need the blog to be original from its content appearance and all make up that concern with the blog include unique content.

The domain name must not be for the one which is paid but must be unique and be the one which is different all around the world wide.

For the site must have the enough content that is not copyright of any allocation of online because the blog will first be scanned with AdSense bots such that is easily to find content which is not unique in the blog.



In this category all a person need to be after meets all AdSense site policies an account of Google AdSense must be connected with the entire blog where many people think the place where someone enters the url of the blog is the place a blog get to be confirmed while it is just to ensure your blog.

So a person need to login in the blog and go at the dash board then look for earnings, after that click on next is there is option to connect the blog with AdSense account where a person will be directed to Google AdSense workspace.

Next is to enable blog to be reviewed with Google AdSense as there is option that allow a person to connect the site in Google AdSense account.

You can go at the Google AdSense workspace, then in the dashboard there is site information where you can click then made you site to be connected and reviewed by Google AdSense bots for the confirmation of the account such that blog can be successfully approved with Google AdSense.

But the important thing to consider in this section is to make sure that blog that is connected to AdSense and get to be reviewed by Google in entire time must be unique in order to do not get re-submission from Google AdSense.



As the last part of today’s topic which is mainly concern with the Google AdSense approval here the main things which must be talked in deep is why blog or other sites which are get to be applied are texted resubmission as are not meet Google AdSense approval.

Direct without wasting your time all you need to have for the first is to have unique domain name weather it can be custom or the non-custom domain name for the blog.

Second the blogger must have enough content for the AdSense approval such that there are many blog post which are enough for being approved and must be unique from all part of the world.

Here you must be specific with clear content which is provided, to contain or have unique content does not mean to have content that is not available in all parts of the world but the point is to have information that is not same as for other place like copying other content from other site where it is not unique.

Also site must adhere with Google AdSense privacy policies such that it must not deal with the topic which do not directs anyone weather it is the certain society or group of people and other things to bad habits that may cause insecurity or misbehave.

The following are the list of some Google AdSense adhere policies.

1.    Blog must not provide to any sexual related content.

2.    Insecurity related content for instance weapons informations.

3.    Online hijackers.

4.    General property abuse.

5.    Content that are illegal.

6.    Misbehaving content.

7.    Dangerous content that might be harmful.


This are some of the content which are not allowed in the Google AdSense but in some case the related ones from the same type.

Apply for Google AdSense and other monetization platform is not magic science such that only scientist can do it, this is real and people are get to be paid real money.

Time is yours to make money with blogger, drop down your feedback and comment about the post, also give us what you got; write post review, gave us new topic to discuss and others.






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