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How to fix and remove Attribution Powered by Blogger.

Hello everyone,

After start your own blog and continue for some tips concern the blogger template, edit posts and others this is the one of the problem that many people try to find out how to remove.

I Think this is the right platform for your problem to be solved and for now we will going to talk step by step how to remove the blogger attribution ”Powered by Blogger”. In many websites online you can find at footer there is attributions which include copyright international of entire site and they include with policy of that site.

But here in Blogging Platform BLOGGER in its templates at the footer section there is attribution Powered by Blogger together with blogger icon at the first, since many people wanted to removed it in order to write their own articles which may either include sponsors, site policies, referrals and others which could be seemly bad if seen with attribution Powered By Blogger.

Before we learnt how to remove the attribution first we need to understand what it is meant to the blogger footer.

In the blog workspace for bloggers who use Blogger platform which is work with Google, there are many template in that workspace of blogger that give wide range of template customization through on by apply them, but all of them they contain at their footer the attribution Powered by blogger which means that the platform that used is conducted under help of blogger so whatever done in the blogger customization and other activities are powered by the main platform which is BLOGGER, as people do not want them since they can have at least large amount of authority concern with their blogger edit.

The following are the procedures step by step to remove the attribution Powered by Blogger, in the blogger themes. The changes that are going to be performed mighty include all themes and not for specific one in the blogger.


Now if you deal with the blogger well you will going to understand me easily about these steps, under your blog edit that involve the blogger template layout, blogger stats, blogger pages and other tools are at the left column of blogger workspace as shown below,

But as the place you apply new template you going to see in the options customization option there is option which says “Edit HTML”

And allow a person that edit blogger to enter inside the blogger template HTML Codes as programmers will understand me very well.

Ø First Click at the option as shown on the image below and the HTML source code of your template workspace will open.

Since there are many codes of the entire template all you need is to find this description ATTRIBUTION 1, you can search by either perform Command Control + F and the search tab will appear so as one can search the description, and then click enter then you will find it.

And the second option of find the description is at the upper widget in the HTML source code workspace as the image shown below then scroll down to find the description ATTRIBUTION 1 so as you can edit it very well

Ø Second all you need is to edit the line which contain the description,

<b:section class=’footer’ id=’footer’ name=’footer’ showaddelement=’false’ tag=’footer’ >

<b:widget id=’Attribution1’ Locked=’True’ title=’’ type=’Attribution’ visible=’True’ >



Replace the word Locked=’True’ with false as it will be looks like

<b:widget id=’Attribution1’ Locked=’false’ title=’’ type=’Attribution’ visible=’True’ >


Then next at the first line before the locked one you need to change it also and replace the word showaddelement=’False’ with Showaddelement=’True’ and it will also going to look like this one, <b:section class=’footer’ id=’footer’ name=’footer’ showaddelement=’false’ tag=’footer’ >


Ø Third step is to save the edited work at the bar in the top as usual in blogger and move on to the layout at the footer and click the widget of attribution as shown in the image then you will see changes that done on the entire widget, it will have option to remove then you will remove widget and save.

Your work will be successful as the BlogSpot will now have no longer contain attribution powered by blogger as compared to the first time.



The aim to change HTML source code of the template is that locked means it was locked at the first time from all template from its default because it is the property of Blogger and everything done over there to ensure  is under Blogger authority that’s why it is locked and if ones want to change it must change the default source Code of the template required to be used by the time.

For the articles that related to the blog errors during editing the layout you can subscribe and watch for more solution as you wanted.



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