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How to add and edit external Template from Blog

 How to add and edit external Template from Blog

After open the blog and finish all step concern in sign up and create a blog, blogger as a platform from Google which allow the user to create a blog for free and create a custom domain name also provide wide range of designing a blog but there is a theme which make a blog to be attractive for the viewers and it is consist of many things in its customization.

As from blogger from its self contain many types of themes which found inside of the blog, therefore a blogger can apply as many types of theme as he or she wanted from blogger but there is problem that comes to the blogger themes.

Themes from the blog has wide range of customization since one can edit as much as he or she can and even the HTML source code of the blogger can be accessed in easily way, what is the problem all themes are likely to be in the same way because are from the same source of Google platform and general they lack in design.

Since blogger gives wide range of designing blog, some people come with the solution where they come with different types of themes which can be added for further customization.

Today’s topic will base in the process involve add the external theme that was asked by many people as they wanted to taste different design in blogging from different template that created by other people around the world.



These are the steps need to be followed carefully in order to download and add external theme from the blog.

The process are divided into the different parts as follows.

Ø First step, involve where to find of the template.

Ø Second step, choose the type of template you need.

Ø Download the template.

Ø How to add external template. CORE!

Ø How to edit the template.



As usual template are not the same to other file like games, application, music and other types of items that can be founded to the people weather it is neighborhood, friend, school or in other criteria as the people who deal with blogging activity are not many because not all people have the concept about it.

So where you can find the Blog theme as long as are difficult to be founded in normal areas, my target is that the only easily place to get the themes is in Internet.

Since most number of people in the world use the search engine and Web browser of Google I will show you how to find it on Google, There are many place you can find the template but for me my best place to find those template is on Gooyabi Templates Site.

For that one you can easily find suitable template for you as long as there are so many type of template where you can choose your category and favorite for you.


Choose the type of template you need

In this part I will show you how to choose the suitable template for you where it can be the cool theme for design blog with different categories of content to be placed on.

For the writer of the article would most understand what I am talking about to choose suitable template to your blog, there are many categories of blog as for your interest where it is looking for.

By the trends of the market according to the stats there are categories that are mostly made a blog easily to be searched like the one deals with Fashions, empowers inspiration motivation as in the same categories, telecommunication, sports, news, travel, entertainment, internet and telecom.

These are some of categories that are trending in online marketing such that you can choose what concern about you is then find the template where my aim there is to be success in blogging you can’t apply the sports template for the blog with news content and this is what I was trying to evaluate in order to make it attractive for best earnings.


Download the template

This is easy step as it does not require you to have many process but what I make here it is clear when you download you template be carefully and attention to the online redirect pages they can direct you to the bogus website of anonymous and hijackers where data from you can be harmed.

All you need to do is find a safe site for download and preview the entire template that required to be downloaded and uploaded to the blog like the most safest website that I was mentioned it Gooyabi template, then time is your to find your template to be uploaded to blog.


How to add external template

After all process this is the last step in the add external template for the blogger.

Last the main point is to add or upload the theme to the blogger, following are steps to blogger theme.

1.   Unzip or unextract the file that is downloaded which contain the xml file of template.

2.   Open the blogger workspace and go to the dashboard.

3.   Go at the theme then click it.

4.   After it opens, go to option of customization.

5.   Then click option of restore them as it shown in the image.

6.   The option that require to upload a template will come.

7.   Click and option to choose the template from computer will come.

8.   Choose the selected template for the xml.

9.   Your template will be successfully uploaded as the message will be shown at the bottom.



How to edit the template.

This is an extra which I provided to you where after download the external blogger template and upload it in your blog it comes when someone wants to change the features from the template, edit other and add if needed.

The external themes can be edited or get to be customized like those others include their layout, pages, links, HTML source code of theme and others but color, backgrounds and other simple action can’t be performed here since it is external one.

For other customization look out for other post where are explained very well where you can ask for more features that you wanted.

Browse and look for more of your categories, ask question put down your comment and feedback then we will help you.



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